Car Show 2025

In honor of fallen car show lovers and enthusiast, we at Reaching Beyond The Fence invite you to join us in our celebration in honor of them all. Reaching Beyond The Fence will be hosting a car show on May 17, 2025, to help raise funds for a headstone for one of them. RBTF will have a food tent setup serving breakfast in morning and transitioning to lunch items as the day goes on (10:30), available for purchase - [Breakfast] Eggs, Sausage, Bacon and/or Cheese on English Muffins or Biscuits. [Lunch] Cheese, Bacon, Chili, and/or slaw on Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Pork BBQ. Also, cold sodas, bottled water, and chips will be available for purchase all day at the food tent. All proceeds from the show go directly in Parklawn - Wood Funeral Home towards the purchase of a headstone for a long-time car love & enthusiast James W, Weeks, Sr who past 10/13/23. We are thankful to Langley Christian Church located at 175 Fox Hill Road in Hampton, VA. that once again allowing RBTF to host this show there. RBTF ask all who come out to help us respect the church grounds by putting your trash in the designated trash bins that will be located on site. 1st and 2nd Place Certificates for each Class, People's Choice, Ministry Lead Choice and Pastor Choice awards will be awarded. Showtime is from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The registration gate opening at 8:30am for early birds, w/ trophy presentation at 2:30pm. RBTF once again will have Bob as our DJ throughout the day. Door Prizes Drawings, 50/50 Drawing, and Games will be on site as well.

When: May 17, 2025,   9 am. - 3 pm.

Where: Langley Christian Church @ 175 Fox Hill Road  Hampton, VA. 23669

Registration Fees:   Pre-Registration (must be postmarked by April 26th) - $20.00     Day of Show - $25.00

Limited Vendor Spots Available (1st come, 1st serve)  10x10 spot  $30.00

 Day of Show - $35.00 (If space is still available)

Checks can be made payable to: James W. Weeks Jr. with Reaching Beyond The Fence donation wrote on the note line or Parklawn - Wood Funeral Home with donation for James Weeks headstone on the note line

Mail Registrations to:

Jim Weeks c/o Reaching Beyond The Fence

P.O. Box 3672 Hampton, VA.23663

  • Include a SASE for confirmation reply


complete the following on-line application


    Vehicle Display Spot
    Pre-Registration Prior August 28

    Vehicle Display Spot
    Registration from August 29 - Day of Show
    Vendors Spot
    Pre-Registration  Prior August 28. While Space are Available, 1st Come -1st Serve.
    Vendors Spot
    Registration from August 29 - Day of Show. While Space are Available, 1st Come -1st Serve.