Mission Statement
Many individuals imprisoned throughout the world feel alone and abandoned by their relatives and so-called friends. Seeking acceptance and love, they begin to make Jesus their best friend. Proverbs 18:24 states: “Some friendships do not last, but some friends are more loyal than brothers.” (GNT) They hunger for that love, acceptance and friendship that Jesus so freely gives. That is the great thing about Reaching Beyond the Fence (RBTF) Ministry. We as sons and daughters of the Most High “God”, are given the ability to rebuild lives through a simple friendship. Although a friendship that is practical, “A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.” Proverbs 17:17 (NKJV). We see here, we have someone to share our troubles. It is a light to those in such a dark place in life.
In today’s world full of turmoil, many individuals are faced with a deep personal crisis. Many of those crises lead to imprisonment for many individuals. Whatever their crisis is, it calls for a wise, caring and compassionate friend. Although, when they go to prison due to their actions in their crisis, they are often forgotten by those they called friends and many times by family as well. Will you be a friend to someone in need today? It is easy to do, simply go to the “become a pen-pal” page and complete the application.
Once completing the application to become a pen-pal, the ministry sends you the rules and information form along with a confirmation agreement form. Once you have read over them and return the signed confirmation agreement form, we will then send you the information on an inmate/resident(s). Then you write to them introducing yourself as you share God’s love through your letters of fellowship, spiritual support and friendship. This is your chance to help them through life’s hardest though best moments and a chance for them to do the same for you.
Getting to know one another can be a delightful experience, if you are willing to devote the time and effort. After all, an individual is more important than a computer, television, plane trip, phone, or any other material thing in this world. More importantly, Jesus loves that individual and even died for them. Therefore, we are called to love them and be there for them just as Jesus Christ is there for us. Just as Jesus encourages us, telling us that we are better than we think through scripture, His death on the cross and our brothers & sisters in Christ. This is our chance to do the same for someone in prison, some who are at their lowest in life. Remember, when forming a friendship, the first step is getting to know the other person. Together we can rebuild lives and lower recidivism one letter at a time.

"The Letter"
A strange thing happened today
That made me sit and stare.
The postman delivered a letter
That wasn't really there.
It didn't begin with "Dear"
And it didn't end with "Love".
I can't begin to wonder of
The news it didn't tell of.
Like it wasn't filled with news from home
Or fun-filled days of light.
That recalled our happy times together
When our future looked so bright.
It didn't come with sentiments
That lift the lonely heart.
It didn't tell of joyous times
Or even have a funny part.
It didn't mention sweet times of
Huggin' and kissin'.
It wasn't sent with wishes from
Good friends that I'd been missin'.
This is to remind you,
A few words can shrink the miles.
It takes so little time, you know
But brings so many smiles.
If our roles were to be reversed
And I was doing better,
You could be here where I am
Waiting for a simple letter.
Written by Jim Weeks
on April 7, 2007